Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Indian doll blog site

Hello Everyone, 
I have had my web master set up a blog site for the Indian dolls that I create.  Dolls really isn't an appropriate word,  for dolls suggests toys.    My creations  are not toys .  They are my version of Indian people of an earlier time.  I represent  them doing the ordinary daily things they might have done back then. 

From the time I was a little girl I had two passions-I wanted to fly and I wanted to make dolls.  I have been very fortunate for I have lived my career was spent in aviation and I am also making dolls.   there's that word again! 

The heads, hands, feet and legs of the Indian figures  I make are sculped from Pro Sculpt which is made of PVC and plasticizer.  In other words, it's a plastic clay .  The sculpted part is cured in an oven. 

The body of the figure is generally a wire armature with a fabric body-stocking filled with polyester fiberfill.  Occassionally the body will all be made from clay . 

I have a head full of ' Indian dolls' I want to make...a mother holding her baby,  a young man playing his flute for a beautiful young woman , also   women tanning a deer hide. Those are a few of some things I would like to make.  I have more ideas than time to make the figures.  

This is my first blog on this site so I don't know if it allows  viewers to comment or not but if it does  do send me your comments or questions.
Marion Springer